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Focaccia Bread

Focaccia bread is a world-famous type of bread. And it's very delicious too! I added olives, cheese, and rosemary to my foccacia breads. And they turned out really and I mean REALLY good.

Doesn't it look delicious? With rosemary sprinkled on top? It tastes really good too.

People say that focaccia bread is quite easy...but in my opinion, they are quite difficult! I don't want to scare you or anything but it's a fact. They're difficult. Unless you have a really big stand mixer, of course. And it takes a lot of time. I took from 3 o'clock to 7 o'clock for these.

But guess what? It's worth it! These are just SO good. And it makes four round pieces of bread that are about 6 inches in diameter. See?

Anyways, the recipe is below!

Focaccia Bread


-500g all-purpose flour

-2 tsp salt

-1 1/2 tsp instant dry yeast

-250ml water

-75ml milk

-50ml olive oil

-some more olive oil for brushing the tops of the breads

-some slices of black olives

-some rosemary spice

-some parmesan cheese powder to sprinkle on the breads


1. In a large bowl whisk together flour, salt, and instant dry yeast.

2. Mix together the water, milk, and 50ml of olive oil. Put the mixture into a small pot and heat it on the stove until lukewarm. Please be careful not to over-heat! The yeast will die if you do.

3. Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture and pour in the slightly heated wet mixture. Stir with a wooden spoon until the dough comes together. Then just knead for 3 minutes.

4. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface. Knead the dough like this: Gently stretch the dough to the opposite direction of yourself. Fold it in half, into your direction. Continue kneading like this for 30 minutes! The dough should be smooth and not as sticky as before when you're done. To test: Poke the dough with your finger. If the impression pops up again slowly, you're done.

5. Fill a really large bowl with hot water. Put your kneaded dough into a greased, smaller bowl. Put the smaller bowl on top of the hot water. Cover the smaller bowl with plastic wrap.

6. Let the dough rest for 50 minutes. When you're done, it should have doubled up in size.

7. When your dough is done resting, punch it down to release gas. Transfer the dough to a work surface. Divide the dough into four sections. Make each piece of dougn round with your hands.

8. Let the pieces of dough rest in a warm place, covered, for 15 minutes. Press them down to release gas when they're done.

9. Put the pieces of dough onto baking pans lined with parchment paper. (I put two focaccias in one baking pan so I used two baking pans)

10. Flatten the round pieces of dough and let it rest again, covered, for 40 minutes! Sorry, but this is a very important step. Don't skip it. Preheat the oven at this point, to 200 degrees Celsius.

11. When they're done resting, brush olive oil on the surface of each of them. Punch numerous holes into each focaccia with your fingers. Put some olives on the tops of each focaccia and press them down.

12. Sprinkle parmesan cheese and rosemary on each focaccia.

13. Finally, put them in the oven and bake for about 20-25 minutes, until they are golden brown. You might want to rotate the pans in the middle of baking. ENJOY! :D

Inspired by a Korean cookbook named 진짜 기본 베이킹 책 by super recipes.

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