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Letting Dough Rise

Let me first talk to you about the importance of letting dough rise. First of all, your yeast MUST be alive. Click this link to find out how to know if your yeast is alive:!How-to-Proof-Yeast/cmbz/551c5cd20cf215f35a32e487

Now about the rising. Many bread recipes have numerous places where you need to let the dough rise. And I know that it is frustrating, but please don't even skip a 10 minute dough-rise. It is a crucial step to having light, airy, and bread-like breads. You wouldn't want your bread to be tough or mushy!

A good trick to letting the dough rise is putting the dough in a small bowl, and placing that small bowl on top of a larger bowl filled with hot water. Then cover the smaller bowl with plastic wrap to trap the warmth. This provides a warm environment for the yeast to grow.

Another tip is DON'T GLANCE BACK AT THE DOUGH EVERY FEW SECONDS! It will never rise if you do! Just do something else while you wait. I just go and do my school work as I wait. After all, 1 hour is pretty long.

You might also want to know when your dough is actually done rising. It is done if it has doubled in size and doesn't look so tight as before. A good test is to press the dough with your finger. If the impression stays, you're done.

Check out the photo below to see the before and after of dough rising.

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